The ARK of Veterans is an Evangelical ministry to "The Least of These". For several years now we have been building our own foundations and business associates as we seek to create a Modern day simile to the Veterans Resettlement programs introduced to assist returning servicemen and woman reintegrate back into society after service during WW1 and WW11.
Veterans Training Resettlement Action Cooperative (V.T.R.A.C.) is our national aim and designing for implementation is our Holistic Wellbeing Vocationally based Support System that has been designed at a community level in the Country Victorian town of Lang lang. Why Lang Lang ?? Simply we have taken five Industries to form entry level reintroduction to workplace within the Civilian Communities. And Lang Lang is a community with a strong Military history.
Over these past several years we have designed a framework for these vocational avenues to hang on so that our Younger Military Veterans (YMV) may choose to walk down one best suited to their skills.
We chose the Industry of Restoration of Muscle cars as our Pilot Project. We also Chose Holdens as our Custom Retro field; primarily because the father of one of the Directors of the charity was one of the Foreman of the Workshops at the GMH Lang Lang Proving grounds at The Gurdies.
After several years and several Pilot Projects we have now secured our own Motorhound Training centre/Showrooms in the main street of Lang lang. We have several retired men from the community now serving alongside our YMV as they restore Muscle cars. The Logo for Motorhound is "Restoring Younger Military Lives through Muscle" The Pilot project is simply a target for a YMV to be involved in. We take a wreck of a car and a YMV that's been through his own head on accidents and as we work together building trust and friendships we the establish how to best care for their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. And at the conclusion of their time in our training centre we establish what Vocation they really want and we assist them in attaining their goal to become a vital member in a civil community.