Riverstone Baptist church

Role: Associate Pastor (Children and Community)

Context:  Riverstone Baptist Church is a vibrant and growing church in a community that is rapidly developing around it. As a church we believe that Christ has placed us in this community to be a city on a hill and to bring glory to Christ in this context. Our mission is defined by Jesus’ injunction for us to make disciples of Christ. We realise that that is often left undefined and not clarified so we created a discipleship profile that concisely defines what we are aiming for. Any addition to the pastoral team will be focused on maximising our effectiveness in that mission. Our profile reveals that a disciple is someone who knows they are adopted and live by the Spirit, is marked by love, is serving to learn, and learning to serve and finally is propelled outwards carrying the good news.

Time Allocation: 2-3 days a week.

Key Responsibilities (It’s important to note that there is some flexibility built into these as we don’t want to miss out on the right person because our role does not fit in every regard with the applicant. This role is designed to complement the lead pastor and contribute to the church’s mission.)


·       Oversee Kids@Rivo and the Ark

·       Pray regularly for the team of volunteer leaders and the children involved.

·       Choose and implement the Curriculum for Kids@Rivo and the Ark.

·       Recruit leaders, teachers and helpers for children’s ministry positions.

·       Ensure new and existing team members are properly compliant with the safe church policy.

·       Provide leadership training and encouragement.

·       Collaborate with Norwest Christian College to run an annual holiday club.


·       Preaching, teaching and other Sunday involvement as required.

·       Facilitate family services and annual church Christmas service.


·       Regularly pray for the broader Riverstone community.

·       Teach and support the SRE team as available.

·       Look for opportunities to support NWCC by seeking opportunities within the school to serve.

·       Lead the church in their involvement at the annual Riverstone Festival and Carols.

·       Support the “justice team,” in their community work.