Narellan Community Congregational Church

Narellan Community Congregational Church is located on the edge of the South West Sydney growth corridor, one of the fastest-growing areas in the country. The church was commenced by the Hunter’s Hill Congregational church to meet the population growth in the Narellan and surrounding suburbs. Services commenced in 2000.


Ten things that are important to us about church

Jesus Christ is Lord

Jesus Christ is the Lord of the church and we desire to let that be seen in all that we do and say as a Church Family.

Bible-Centred Teaching

The Bible is God’s Word and therefore we will endeavour to deliver it with authority and integrity in order to encourage living faith in Jesus Christ as Lord.

Godly Servant Leadership

We are committed to the biblical truth that leadership does not equal “lordship” but rather “servanthood”. Our leaders, therefore, will seek to fulfil their responsibilities characterised by humility and availability.


We are committed to the importance of personal and community prayer in the planning and practice of all the work of the Church.

Authentic Worship

God gave His best (His Son, Jesus) for us and therefore we desire to honour him by giving our best to Him in worship, through music, in prayer, in attention to His Word, with our finances, and with our talents.

Church Family Involvement

We value the contribution of everyone in the church family in the overall life of the church - Believing that each individual has been uniquely designed and equipped by the Lord, and has an important role to play.


God so loved the world of people that He was willing to send His only Son, Jesus to be their Saviour. We, therefore, will seek to welcome all in the name of the Lord Jesus. - Church families, friends, and all visitors, whoever they are and wherever they come from.

Cultural Relevance

As a church, we recognise that we are living in the twenty-first century and our desire is to communicate at all times in an understandable, helpful, contemporary, and respectful manner.

Loving and Caring Relationships

We are committed to demonstrating practical love in all our relationships. Acceptance, grace, and mercy are all vital if we are to truly follow Jesus.


The Great Commission is an important calling to all followers of Jesus Christ. He challenges the church to share the good news of who Jesus is and what He has done for His people, and the world.

Thus, we will use every available, Christ honouring method so that with God’s help we may communicate the Gospel messages to others.